Author Archives: Stacy Reardon

Read, and Cultivate Inclusion

Stop by the Davis Family Library atrium this month to browse our book display featuring literature and research in Ethnic Studies, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, and Disability Studies.

inclusivity display

All materials are available for checkout, so grab a book and find a comfy blue chair to curl up in!

View more titles online at go/inclusivitydisplay and recommend books that have inspired you at go/displaysuggestions!

Write Your Thesis with Scrivener: Open Workshop

scrivener-poster-fall-2015-650Write Your Thesis with Scrivener
Thu, Oct. 8th
4:30 – 5:30 pm

Are you working on a large writing project? Scrivener can help! Scrivener is a software program that breaks down your writing into manageable “chunks” and brings your research and writing together into a single conceptual work space. You will learn how to create a new writing project in Scrivener, import existing work, and how to outline, research, and write with Scrivener’s unique features. A limited number of free licenses can be obtained by thesis students who participate in the Middlebury pilot. Instructor: Stacy Reardon. To sign up, visit

Scrivener: Software for Writers Workshop

Write Your Thesis with Scrivener
Library Workshop
Wednesday, April 29th

library workshopAre you working on a large writing project? Scrivener can help! Scrivener is a software program that breaks down your writing into manageable “chunks,” and brings your research and writing together into a single conceptual workspace.

The library will offer a Scrivener workshop on April 29th at 4:30p.m. Participants will learn how to create a new writing project, how to import existing work, and how to outline, research, and write with Scrivener’s unique features. This workshop is aimed at thesis writers but is open to all members of the College community. For more information on Scrivener and to sign up for the workshop, visit

Hey Students! Try Our WT Workshop on Research & Zotero

Are you working on a senior thesis or starting a big research project? Drowning in journal articles and books, but not sure how to keep track of them all? Let us help you with the next stage of your journey as a power researcher in our Winter Term workshop “Zotero and Beyond: Power Research Tips for Student Researchers.” You’ll see how the research process is itself a way of synthesizing your findings and mapping out next steps. By the time you leave, you’ll be an expert in Zotero, the citation management tool that can help you save, organize, and cite your sources, and you’ll encounter a variety of note-taking strategies and see the ways that developing personalized research routines can jump-start you into the writing process.

Wednesday, Jan 7, 2015 from 4:15pm-6:45pm
Non-credit workshop, $5
Pizza provided!
Register at go/wtw/

Friday Links – February 28, 2014

Audiobooks and the Return of Storytelling – Audiobooks are growing in popularity, returning us to childhood storytelling and invoking a literary tradition as old as the Illiad. Browse audiobooks at the library.

6 Innovative Uses of Lecture Capture – Teachers are increasingly using lecture capture tools for interactive lessons, content sharing, and multimedia assignments.

Alan Alda keynotes the meeting of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) – discussing the importance of communication with the public in STEM fields. “… Some members of the U.S. Congress also struggle with jargon and therefore are faced with the ‘difficulty of giving money to something they don’t understand,’ Alda cautioned.”

Civil War Letters Come Home to Vermont – Featuring not only the letters, but also Rebekah Irwin and Special Collections!

Got my carrel! – From the Senior Admissions Fellows Blog.

LIS at the Student Services Fair

This year LIS met loads of incoming Middlebury students at the Student Services Fair. Brenda Ellis, Pij Slater, Stacy Reardon and Ian Burke staffed the table along with Helpdesk students Biswash Ghimire and Anis Mebarki. Ian distributed handouts on Cyber Security Awareness Month while Stacy and Brenda passed out shiny new LIS bookmarks with handy go/ links. The team spoke with students about connecting to wireless and avoiding phishing attacks. Students had quite a few questions of their own:

  • How do I print?
  • How long can I check out books from the library?
  • How do I find books at the library?
  • How do I get a job at the library?
  • How do I get MS Office?
  • Can I get the books I need for my classes at the library?

Students were very enthusiastic about library services. One student ran over to tell us, “The Middlebury library was probably a bigger factor in my college decision than it should have been!” (We politely disagreed. The quality of the library is indeed a very important factor!)

The library’s iPad was put to good use at the Fair, and students appeared to be satisfied with the help they received. We even heard an unprompted, “Always ask a librarian!” as they departed.