Author Archives: Carrie Macfarlane

About Carrie Macfarlane

Director of Research & Instruction.

How to use library databases from off campus

You don’t have to say goodbye! Even when you’re off campus, you can connect to library databases like JSTOR and PsycINFO from the library website:

When you're off campus, you can connect to library databases from the library website.

Links that are on library web pages (a few examples include Research GuidesSummon and the Journals list) will ask you to log in with Midd credentials when you’re not on campus. It’s as easy as that!

Seniors: Here’s how to get alumni access to library databases!

Student Scholarship @ Midd

Ideas + Inspiration at go/scholarship/

Wish you could read over the shoulder of the student in that other thesis carrel?
It can be helpful to look at models when you’re beginning your own coursework.
Our online collection of student scholarship includes papers, presentations and projects from Computer Science, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, Geology, History, History of Art and Architecture, Religion and more.

Find information and inspiration at Student Scholarship at Middlebury:


Welcome to the Libraries, Febs!

Welcome Febs!

Come to the Research Desk to claim your free unicorn!*

(*Ahem. No actual unicorns are available at this time.)

But please do come and say hello to a friendly librarian! We provide expert research help, bookmarks, collectible library pins and (sometimes) candy! Find us at the Research Desk on the main level of the Davis Family Library.

Spring Research Desk Hours
(February 11 – May 21)

  • Sunday 1pm-5pm
  • Monday 11am-5pm and 7pm-9:30pm
  • Tuesday 11am-5pm and 7pm-9:30pm
  • Wednesday 11am-5pm and 7pm-9:30pm
  • Thursday 11am-5pm
  • Friday 11am-4pm

And online anytime!

No one’s at the Research Desk?
Visit us in our offices! Librarians are conveniently located right behind the Research Desk.

What about the Armstrong Library?
A librarian is available most days at the Armstrong Library in McCardell Bicentennial Hall, too. Just ask!

Faculty: Are you grading research papers…

…and hoping they’ll be a little better next time? Talk with a librarian! We’d love to help you build more research and information literacy support into your spring semester classes. Our new InfoLit site describes what we do, and how it makes a difference. You’ll find assignment ideas, sample workshops, and of course, lots more prompts to talk with a librarian.

InfoLit site

“Every student who met with you commented on how that meeting focused their work and led them to search the appropriate literature quickly and effectively.”
-Faculty feedback on library research consultations for students, Fall 2018


Is the outlet out? Report it!

Report it!Is the outlet out? Is the carrel light dark? Please, report it!

It’s finals week, and students are making use of every desk, table, carrel and recliner in the libraries. Surely, someone will find something amiss.

Please feel welcome to alert library staff to outages and other problems in the building. Visit the Circulation Desk, or report the issue via our Library Feedback Form at We want to keep our facilities in top-top shape for you!

Thank you!

Not Just Any Tips. These Are Our TOP Tips!

Top Tips for Research

Do you feel stuck? Not sure what to do next? No need to feel stressed. Middlebury Librarians want to help you get back on track.

Here are our Top Tips for Starting Your Research.

Reminder: Librarians are ready to guide you through any stage of library research, from refining a topic, to revising search terms, to identifying, selecting and citing sources. Hours, contact info and FAQs.