Author Archives: Michael Lynch

Friday Links, Feb. 8, 2013

Worldometers: Real Time World Indicators
Watch the numbers change. Everything from current world population, CO2 emissions, to blog posts written today (hope they caught this one).  Strange, but no mention of the number of McDonald’s burgers sold?

The new library of Babel? Borges, digitisation and the myth of a universal library, by Christopher Rowe.  via First Monday.

Another article on measuring scholarly publishing impact

Last week Arabella posted a link to an article on this subject. The November 2012 issue of College & Research Libraries News has a useful article that describes the various methods for measuring research impacts.  See From bibliometrics to altmetrics: A changing scholarly landscape.  It describes resources such as Scopus, which we subscribe to, as well as free resources such as Google Scholar Citations.  Relevant organizations and networks are also listed.  It’s worth a skim at least.

Open Access Week Webcast: Perspectives on Open Access: Practice, Progress and Pitfalls

Monday, October 22
4:00 – 5:30pm EST
A distinguished panel of speakers representing a broad range of stakeholders in the Open Access movement—researchers, students, policy makers, publishers and academics—will discuss why Open Access is an imperative to them and their work:

  • Michael Carroll, Professor of Law, American University and founding Board Member, Creative Commons
  • Matt Cooper, President, The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students
  • Maricel Kann, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland and member, PubMed Central National Advisory Committee, NIH.
  • Carlos Rossel, Publisher, The World Bank
  • Neil Thakur, Special Assistant to the Deputy Director, Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The 90-minute panel will be moderated by Heather Joseph, Executive Director, SPARC, with ample time for questions from audience members.

Interested?  See World Bank Live for details.

Do you still need to register to vote?

Whether you are a student who is trying to figure out whether to register to vote in Vermont or your “home state” and how, or someone who hasn’t registered or needs to transfer their voting registration, the Voting Registration Guide has information to help you. It also includes resources to help you get up-to-date on issues.


CCV students using our library & labs

For those of us who work public service desks…

Subject: [VTLIBRARIES] CCV Students @ Your Library

It’s back to school time for the Community College of Vermont this week. That means students may be seeking Wi-Fi spots and free Internet access to connect to their classes in Moodle, access the Hartness Library for research, or simply check email.

If you get questions from students regarding CCV’s library services like interlibrary loan, database access, research help etc…, send them our way through the Hartness Library website: (also at > click on library at the top of the screen).

The Hartness Library provides book delivery to CCV students from the collection of materials in the Vermont State College libraries around the state. We also provide a collection of eBooks, streaming videos, and academic periodical databases. CCV students access all of these resources through the library website and catalog by using their CCV Web Services/Moodle login and ID. We offer extensive research help via chat, text, email, and a 1-800 number. Learn more about CCV’s library with this quick video:

Middlebury’s Library ranked #10 in Princeton Review

The latest numbers are in. Students ranked our library #10 in the country in the latest Princeton Review’s Best College Library rankings (you must register to see it).  We were ranked just behind Princeton.  According to Library Journal,”Both lists are based solely on students’ answers to the survey question: ‘How do you rate your school’s library facilities?’ They do not take into account number of volumes, circulations, or any other metrics.” Thank you Midd students for ranking us so highly!

Friday Links – August 31, 2012

LITA Talks Top Tech Trends (Library & Information Technology Association, a division of ALA) – from the American Library Association 2012 Annual Conference.  The Guide on the Side link was particularly interesting for doing library online tutorials.

E-Book User Base Expands to 24.5% of U.S. Adult Population According to New Statistics from Simba (both articles from Library Journal).  See related posts for additional discussion on E-books.

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Friday links – July 13, 2012

It is Friday the 13th, are you prepared for a Zombie attack? (from the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

This week was the 65th anniversary of the report of a UFO crash in Roswell, NM.  The Huffington Post reports numerous witnesses and government officials claim the report was true.  You decide.