Language Support / /مشىلعشلث سعححخقفخ لإثسفهىل

شسيبسشييسبسشيبسشيبسشيب شسيب شسيب شسيب بل ختسيب ش سقخهتاشقفققفمنشس شصثق  اهخقل 9قل

It looks like WP supports non-roman characters.

Ше дщщлы дшлу ЦЗ ыгззщкеыв тщт-кщьфт срфкфсеукыю


ف مخخم مهنث ً؛ سعححخقفس ىخى-قخةىش ؤاشقشؤفثقسز

6 thoughts on “Language Support / /مشىلعشلث سعححخقفخ لإثسفهىل

  1. Alex Chapin

    ش سقخهتاشقفققفمنشس شصثق اهخقل to you too! As well,
    понедельник, 13 июля: 2-ой ансамбль
    and also:
    how about
    יהודה פוליקר – אני לא יודע

    So I guess Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Hebrew work ok…

  2. Pingback: Curricular Technology Team » Blog Archive » Support for Unicode, Diacritics and non-Latin-based character sets

  3. Sue Driscoll

    لا. ليسة يمين الى شمال عل وورد بريس, ولاكن يعمل جيدا. ليسة كذلك؟
    So as you type and use punctuation, it sometimes seems that the period will end up to the right, but as you continue, it moves to the correct spot.

  4. Bryan Carson, Alex Chapin

    I activated the xLanguage widget before I tried non-latin character set. I don’t know if this is necessary or not. -Bryan

    Might be good to find out more about this xLanguage widget. – Alex

  5. Sue Driscoll and Alex Chapin

    Google docs and presentations work in Hebrew and Arabic, but some students lose formatting when they send it to themselves and then open it and use it for the presentation. – Sue

    By “send it to themselves” do you mean, save the Google doc/presentation as a file and open in Powerpoint or Keynote or view on another computer? I could see formatting loss if they attempted to view on a computer that did not have Arabic or Hebrew fonts/editing enabled… – Alex

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