RefWorks Updates – Write-N-Cite III in the Labs

Submitted by Judy Watts

RefWorks has made some significant improvements to its Windows version of Write-N-Cite –version III- –  making it possible to edit and add references to formatted papers. Jean Simmons has requested similar updates for Mac users. Jean has attended two online training sessions to learn about this as well as other new features, e.g., switching between versions of W-N-C, importing from RSS feeds, creating bibliographies from materials in several folders with “My List,” working offline, appending attachments to a record. . .  . Ask her what you may not know and please sit in on a RefWorks workshop. RefWorks can be helpful to anyone who needs to keep book lists, citations, or bibliographies in order..

Thanks to Brian Foley, LIB 105 already has Write-N-Cite III and Armstrong 161 will have it soon.