New LIS Feedback/Suggestion Box

Submitted by Mike Roy

As an experiment in using web 2.0 tools to interact with our patrons/users, we’ve created a Suggestion Box Blog . The blog is a place for any and all to make suggestions, record interesting ideas, and ask general questions about all things LIS. The impetus behind this is the desire to provide an easy way for us to receive feedback, and to provide a forum for discussion of these ideas. We plan to respond in some way to all posts, although we also plan to revisit this plan should it prove to be too much work. The blog, which is linked off of a new ‘Contact LIS’ channel on the main LIS page, can be reached directly by going to LIS Suggestions. It’s been seeded with the comments that we received during the spring’s Conan the Librarian poster sessions.

The brains and brawn behind this came from Carrie Macfarlane, Joe Antonioli, Bryan Carson, and Jeff Rehbach.

One thought on “New LIS Feedback/Suggestion Box

  1. Shel Sax

    How about banning smoking in front of the library? Because of the overhang and prevailing winds, there is often a cloud of smoke trapped at the front of the library. Every patron has to walk through it.

    While I’d like to ban smoking on campus, I’m suggesting a 150′ smoke free zone at the front of the building.

    Cheers, Shel

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