Extended Library Hours During Finals Beginning December 2nd


Starting this fall, instead of being open 24/7 during finals, we will instead have extended hours. Starting on Sunday, December 2nd, the Davis Family Library will remain open until 2 am. Opening hours will remain unchanged, as will Friday and Saturday hours (closing at 11 pm).  Full hours can be found at http://go.middlebury.edu/hours/

For those who wish to continue studying past 2 am, here are the spaces on campus that are available 24/7:

  1. Sunderland (computer lab available in Sunderland 122)
  2. Wilson Café
  3. Axinn (computer lab available in Axinn 105)
  4. The study carols in Hepburn, between the ResHall portion of the building and the Zoo
  5. The Stewart 2 lounge and the Stewart Pit.
  6. Laforce library
  7. Milliken 3 lounge
  8. Milliken 2/senior lounge
  9. Fireplace lounge

Our decision to end 24/7 in the library was based on usage data (only a very small number of students used the library past 2 am), the importance of getting sleep especially during stressful times (and the worry we had that by being open 24/7 we were tacitly encouraging students to stay up all night), and by budget pressures. Our decision was informed both by a student survey that we conducted in the spring, and with extensive conversations with the SGA.