It’s not NExpress, but it’s close!

Find it in WorldCat button

We know you miss NExpress. (Wait, what happened to NExpress?) We miss NExpress, too, and we want you to know that we’re thinking of you! We’ve added a “WorldCat” button to MIDCAT to make it easier to request items from other libraries. The WorldCat button is on the right-hand side of most results pages in MIDCAT, exactly where the NExpress button used to be.

If you search MIDCAT and don’t find what you want, click on the “Find it in WorldCat” button. When you’re viewing a MIDCAT record for just one item, WorldCat will be able to look for that item and others like it. Once you find something you want in WorldCat, just click on the “Request item through Interlibrary Loan” button.


  1. Yes!  You may request items owned by Middlebury if they’re not available here (for example, if they’re checked out to someone else or missing). More answers to your ILL questions here.
  2. If you’ve never used Interlibrary Loan, now would be a good time to log in to to sign up for ILLiad. Then, the “Request item through Interlibrary Loan” button in WorldCat will be able to fill out your request form for you!

Stay tuned, because we’re continuing to work on improvements to the interlibrary loan process with our former NExpress partners.