- Drupal mimemail 7.x-1.0
- Drupal media 7.x-2.3
- WordPress Hueman theme 3.3.11
- WordPress The Events Calendar
Fixes and Tweaks
- GO links now work even if there is a Google Analytics “Linker” code appended to the URL.
Ongoing Work
- Creating a new website for the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.
- Archiving Moodle.
- Building out the configuration of our CAS servers in Chef, which is a configuration management system. We have already completed this work for our Drupal, WordPress, MediaWiki, GO, Omeka, and the Course Catalog services.
- Upgrading the Drupal sites for the Davis programs, Dining Menus, and Museum of Art to Drupal 8.
- Integrating Panopto (streaming videos) and Canvas (LMS).