TOMORROW: Using GitHub for Education to Encourage Open Learning and Facilitate Feedback

Join us tomorrow, May 3rd, 12:15-1:30 PM, in Hillcrest 103 for the DLA’s final Behind the Scenes of the year, led by Albert Kim (Math). Albert will be sharing his experiences using GitHub as a feedback tool in his Data Science class this semester. Lunch will be served, so please RSVP at go/DLAscenes. Full description below.

Inspired by a humanist colleague’s approach to grading papers and discussions taking place in statistics pedagogy circles, Albert Kim (Math) presents his use of the GitHub web-based repository hosting service in his Introduction to Data Science course to encourage open and collaborative development of students’ coding skills and to facilitate the delivery of feedback from instructor to student. This short presentation will be followed by discussion of using digital tools for feedback in the classroom, so come with your questions. Lunch will be served, so please RSVP at go/DLAscenes.

Albert Y. Kim is originally from Montreal Quebec. After completing his PhD in statistics at the University of Washington in Seattle, he worked at Google as a Data Scientist for two years, followed by a two-year visiting stint at Reed College. He joined the Middlebury faculty in August 2015.