Weekly Web Updates – February 29, 2016


Fixes & Tweaks

  • The MIIS Course Hub now has a print stylesheet so that the course photo rosters can be printed off without cutting people’s faces in half on page breaks.
  • Vimeo embeds in our Drupal sites now have the “allowfullscreen” attribute, so people can watch them in full screen mode, if they wish.
  • Shows that overflow into the next day on the WRMC schedule will now just appear on the day in which they begin.
  • Our CategorySuggest plugin for MediaWiki now has a Spanish translation and can allow categories beginning with lowercase letters, if those are configured for the MediaWiki site.
  • Recycle Bins will no longer appear in the drop down navigation on the MIIS site.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the sidebar navigation from working on some MIIS sub-sites like MonTREP.
  • The MIDD and MIIS Course Hub’s now use Drupal’s Batch API to handle course builds, which helps prevent page timeouts and keeps the build interface consistent.