Drupal, Moodle, WordPress, Mediawiki & More: Upcoming workshops

The LIS summer workshop schedule is now available.  Visit go/lisworkshops to view offerings for May through August and sign up for topics of interest.

We’re happy to be able to offer new, expanded website work sessions where you can get help with any of your websites — whether in Drupal, Moodle, Mediawiki or WordPress — we’ll have staff on hand who can help with all of these!  We’ve scheduled regular opportunities throughout the summer so you can plan ahead.  You’ll find a few Drupal introductions as well, covering basic website skills for those just starting out.

Do you prefehttp://go.middlebury.edu/lyndainfor to learn on your own?  Summer can be a great time for professional development.  Check out lynda — a fabulous online learning resource that uses short videos to help you acquire new business and technology skills.  Lynda is also available off-campus and does not require VPN, so no fair trying on that excuse; simply use http://go.middlebury.edu/lynda to go directly to Middlebury’s login portal and give it a whirl.