LIS R&R Crew Recognition Awards from September – January

The LIS Recognition & Recreation Crew is pleased to announce the recipients of the Employees and Crew of the Months of September, October, November and January 2013,  Awards were not given in December.


Crew of the Month – MIDDCORE Project Team.  Team members are Ian McBride, Travis Stafford, Mike Schuster, Mike Lynch, Kara Gennarelli, David Ludwig, Joe Antonioli, Pij Slater, Alisa Cutter, LeRoy Graham and Kathy Weiss

Employee of the Month – Joe Durante

Student Employee of the Month – Jaweed Ahmadi

November 2012

Crew of the Month – Media Services.  Members are Petar Mitrevski, Charlie Conway, Stewart Lane, Scott Witt and Danielle Madison

Employee of the Month – Danielle Madison

October 2012

Crew of the Month – Liaisons Group.  Members are Rebekah Irwin, Joy Pile, Wendy Shook, Kellam Ayres, Hans Raum, Carrie Macfarlane, Steve Bertolino, Brenda Ellis, Richard Jenkins, Bryan Carson, Shel Sax, Terry Simpkins

Employee of the Month – Joseph Watson

September 2012

Crew of the Month –Collection Management.  Members are Sue Driscoll, Marlena Evans, Arabella Holzpfel, Michele McHugh, Michael Warner, Rebekah Irwin and Lisa McLaughlin

Employee of the Month – Brian Foley

Student Employee of the Month – : Leandro Giglioli (Leo)

Congratulations to all!

The R&R Crew needs award nominations! Nominate LIS students, staff, & crews at go/nominate! Please be sure to include details about why the nominee deserves recognition.