LIS Staff Meeting Notes, 21 May 2009

1.    Various updates:

  • Project Directory: Mike Roy and Chris Norris are in the early stages of designing a project directory for all of LIS that will will help raise awareness about the various projects that LIS is involved with and help clarify how these projects relate to specific departmental and institutional goals.  We are really looking forward to working with each area to compile a comprehensive overview of projects that can be shared within LIS and beyond.
  • Goal setting : We hope to establish LIS-wide goals for the upcoming year by the of July. These goals should like to our mission, main things, and the projects (listed in our project directory, see above) can then be linked to these goals. We hope to offer better guidance and support in the formulation of goals.
  • Teams . We will start with three teams: educational technology, LIS website, and digitization; training on teams to take place June 16th – June 19th. Stay tuned for more information.
  • Early Retirement Program. We have been developing plans for how to keep LIS functioning and delivery quality services with a reduced number of people. We will be going to SRC very soon with a plan ; our focus is on a) redeployment  and b) stopping things.
  • Web makeover: Lots going on as we move forward with this project. See for the latest news, schedule, and opportunities to participate in this project.

2. Ron McKinnon gave a very nice presentation on the accomplishments of the Phoenix Project to date, and its future plans.

(If I left anything out, please feel free to add comments.)