Orientation Checklist for LIS Staff

The Education and Training Team has developed a checklist for LIS supervisors to go over with new staff (although we think some not-so-new staff may appreciate this as well).  You can find it on the LIS page under “About LIS.”  We’ve incorporated input from the AD’s and manager’s group and it will change over time as we get more feedback.  Our intention is that the supervisor (perhaps with help from other designated colleagues) will work through this checklist with new hires, explaining and answering questions as they go along.  It is not meant to be a self-service learning tool, although new staff can use it to go back and explore topics more in-depth on their own.  You’ll notice some entries have a link and some don’t.  We only linked to things that weren’t already major links on our public LIS pages so new staff learn to navigate the LIS site as well as become familiar with major “go” shortcuts.  We hope our new checklist will help supervisors get new staff off to a great start in LIS!

— Your Education and Training Team: Pij, Brenda, Mack, Andy, Kim (College Advancement)