Office 2010 and 2011 install discs at Circ

An error has been discovered in the install discs for Microsoft Office 2010 and 2011, so they are getting fixed by the Helpdesk. Unfortunately, this means that if you have used these discs to install the software at home, you will need to re-install once the discs are fixed. Stay tuned to this post for an update as to when they are available again. Also – if anyone thinks this should be a broader post than just LIS staff, please feel free to re-categorize.

4 thoughts on “Office 2010 and 2011 install discs at Circ

  1. Brenda

    Why don’t you contact the people who signed it out – I seem to recall you have to sign a sheet when you borrow it.

  2. Dan Frostman Post author

    Most of the use has been by the Helpdesk students to install for patrons over at the walk-in, but yes, where applicable I can do that.

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