Main Library Displays

Submitted by Joseph Watson

Display space in the Atrium is now fully booked for the rest of the Spring Term.

Recent displays have been:

  • Students Against Violence: pictures of the “Red Ribbon Campaign”.
  • Middialogue: seeking answers to questions like “If you could give a friend just one last word of advice, what would it be?”

Upcoming displays will be:

  • Feminist Action At Middlebury: asking the questions “What does feminism mean to you?” and “What is feminism mean at Middlebury?”
  • Public Health Symposium: presenting highlights of the recent event.
  • Invisible Children: promoting the showing of a documentary here at Middlebury and a rally in Burlington
  • Queer Athletes: a photo exhibit sponsored by Middlebury Open Queer Alliance
  • Spirit In Nature: promoting the walking trails and center in Ripton
  • LIS Staff Arts and Crafts Show:  us showing our own stuff!

We’re also serving as a location for comment boxes, collection boxes, promotional posters, etc.

Working with the students to schedule and and install these displays is quite a challenge.  As always, some of them have thier acts remarkably together and others, not so much.  For instance, we’ve been approached by a student who would like to do an interactive work of art in the building later in the semester…  she would have a web cam pointed at the piece, work on it, and take suggestions from people watching the web cam on what to do next.  This might materialize into something really cool, or might fizzle into nothing.  While we do all we can to assist the students, it’s really up to them to pull it off.

I recently learned that students who want to sell anything on campus must first get a permit from CCAL.  See go/lis?display for more information.