Goals Review for 2008-09

Submitted by Mike Roy

As most of you already know, we in LIS went through a goal setting exercise this fall, and established an ambitious set of goals for this academic year. As a way to make sure that these goals don’t just sit on a shelf gathering dust, we are building a regular review of our goals into our weekly AD meetings. Each AD has been assigned a set of goals to keep track of, and will provide an update to the group on the status of the goals (what’s making good progress; what’s done; what’s stuck, and why). For each goal, we’ve named a contact person. If you are that contact person, you can expect to be contacted  three times between now and June to provide an update on your goals. All of this information will soon live on the web, so that anyone in LIS (or the world, for that matter) can track the progress we are making towards achieving our goals. (We’ll post the link soon!) While we recognize that this work of setting and tracking goals can be burdensome, we also believe that the way for us to make progress towards improving our efficiency, rolling out new services, and assessing our work is by being quite explicit about this sort of goal setting work. We intend to do this on an annual basis, starting in June of this year. As always, any thoughts you have about how to do this in the simplest and least burdensome manner possible are welcome.