Tasty Tech Treats Web 2.0 Series

Submitted by Elin Waagen

The last Tasty Tech Treats brown bag lunch of the semester was held on Thursday 12/4 at noon in Lib 105. Topics included iGoogle, Google Reader and Twitter, Yammer, GoogleNews, and GoogleAlerts.
The winner of the iPod shuffle grand prize (generously donated by Amy Hoffman) was Terry Simpkins. Congratulations, Terry!
Many thanks to our presenters for the web 2.0 series – Mike R, Mike L. Adam F, Alex C, Joe A, Jeff R., Bryan C, and Mary B.
Total attendance for the series was 50 – many thanks to all who attended and participated.
And last but not least, a big thank you to the group (formerly knows as LIS Administration) for their support of the idea and for funding the prizes.
Please let Bryan and Elin know if you think it would be worthwhile to continue the series in some shape or form in the Spring.