Save the date! Announcing an all LIS staff Web2.Opportunity!

Submitted by Elin waagen

Save the date! Announcing an all LIS staff Web2.Opportunity!

• When: October 9th at 12 noon (to accommodate different work schedules and preferences, the session will repeat on 10/23 at 6 pm)
• Where: Lib 105
• What: 1st in a series of 5 fall semester Brown Bag mealtime sessions to discover and share new web tools in a fun environment. For the 1st session – Mike Roy, Mary Backus and Bryan Carson will share some fun web tools they are using. Each presentation will last for about 10 minutes, with plenty of time for others to share during the last 20 – 30 minutes.
• Why: Get together with your coworkers across LIS to share fun web tools!
• How long: 1 hour max; 3 presentations – 10 minutes each; there will be time for sharing and learning after the scheduled topics.
• Bring your own bag meal (sorry – no free lunch!)
• But…there will be a prize drawing at each session! And…everyone who attends any of the 5 sessions will be eligible for the grand prize drawing in December. You could be the winner of a coffee mug/coffee card and maybe even a new fun toy!
• Please come – and join your LIS co-workers for a fun time!
• Interested in presenting for 10 minutes at the next session in November? Please contact Elin Waagen or Bryan Carson.

3 thoughts on “Save the date! Announcing an all LIS staff Web2.Opportunity!

  1. Elin

    The 1st session will also cover Delicious and GoodReads – but all sessions will bring different things to the table depending on who attends and what they share.
    Hope you can make it!


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