Staff Re-arrangements

As we discussed at September’s staff meeting, we are in the process of re-arranging our work in order to continue to function with reduced staff. Some of this involves stopping or reducing services, and some of this involves asking people to pitch in and do work in other areas.

Here’s a list of what’s happened so far; we’ll post updates as we continue to re-arrange things. (Please add other re-arrangements to this post as comments if we have missed something!)

Media Services

* Mary Backus is serving as interim manager of media services and Lab management and support

Help Desk

* Alex Chapin, Mack Roark, Barbara Merz, and Chris Norris are doing shifts at the service request desk; we anticipate asking others to help out here in order to provide coverage and allow that group to continue to make progress on various projects.

Circulation Services

* Rich Church is helping out with opening the building in the morning.
* Dan Frostman, Todd Sturtevant, and Nancy Reynolds are now doing shifts in the Main Library.

Systems and Networks

* Dave Guertin will be become more involved in system administration/programming for central systems

We very much appreciate the flexibility that everyone has shown to date. As we discussed at the staff meeting, we are working on a viable long-term staffing plan this fall which will be informed by the results of the upcoming offers of early retirement and voluntary separation, and by conversations with students, faculty, and staff about reconfiguring and reducing services. We anticipate having to continue to make adjustments to this short-term plan, and will send updates on a regular basis so that we can all be working from a common understanding of who is responsible for what services.