Welcome to the Libraries, Class of 2023!

Welcome to the Libraries! Come and say hello to a librarian at the Research Desk. We provide expert research help, bookmarks, collectible library pins and (sometimes) candy! Find us on the main level of the Davis Family Library.

Welcome, Class of 2023!
We’re at the Research Desk Sunday-Friday. Come by and say hello!

Fall Research Desk Hours
(September 9 – December 13)

  • Sunday 2pm-5pm
  • Monday 11am-5pm and 7pm-9:30pm
  • Tuesday 11am-5pm and 7pm-9:30pm
  • Wednesday 11am-5pm and 7pm-9:30pm
  • Thursday 11am-5pm
  • Friday 11am-4pm

And online anytime at:

No one’s at the Research Desk?
Visit us in our offices! Librarians are conveniently located right behind the Research Desk.

What about the Armstrong Library?
A librarian is available most days at the Armstrong Library in McCardell Bicentennial Hall, too. Just ask!