Weekly Web Updates – May 13, 2019

We have added a WYSIWYG editor to the Library & ITS Wiki. This is an option that we can enable on any other wiki on our MediaWiki site. Please send a request through the Helpdesk with a link to the wiki you manage.


Updates Drupal 8.7, 8.7.1, and the Drupal easy_breadcrumb module version 8x-1.10 are being tested and will need to be deployed during a downtime window, likely this week, as they require database updates.

Fixes and Tweaks

  • The Drupal 8 Offices and Services site now has several new components which can be used to add dynamic content to a page, including the Mega CTA (Call to Action), Themed Panel, Image with Text, CTA Group, Announcement, and Event Schedule.
  • Created a new static offline page that can be swapped to in the event of extended downtime.

Ongoing Work

  • Creating a new “Offices” site for institution-wide anchor functions.
  • Creating new Drupal 8 sites for our schools and programs.
  • Upgrading the Course Hub to Drupal 8.
  • Improvements to the Service Catalog.