New digital scholarship guides in the library!

We’ve been developing new library guides around topics related to digital scholarship (or digital humanities, or digital liberal arts, or whatever usage you prefer). These guides are aimed at faculty, staff, and students who are new to digital scholarship or who are looking to learn new skills in a particular area. They will mainly be styled after our other “How to” guides, offering steps to get started with a particular tool or concept, selected tips on more advanced features, and places to look for more advanced help.

Our first new guide in this series is “Getting started with Omeka,” which gives an outline of options for using Omeka here at Middlebury, the basic steps of getting started building your Omeka exhibit, and links to see how others have used Omeka for research, public scholarship, and in the classroom. More information will roll out to this guide soon on plug-ins and other advanced topics.

You can find the Omeka guide, along with all of our other upcoming digital scholarship guides (including some legacy guides that we’ve included) at go/digitalscholarshipguides/.

If you have topics you would like to see covered in a digital scholarship library, contact one of the expert librarians (listed at go/digitalscholarshipguides/), and we’ll discuss!