New e-book collections

The Middlebury community now has unlimited access to several new collections of e-books:

Springer Nature – we have added e-books published in 2018 in the following collections of e-Books on the SpringerLink platform: Behavioral Science and Psychology; Biomedical and Life Sciences; Business and Management; Chemistry and Materials Science; Computer Science; Earth and Environmental Science; Economics and Finance; Education; Energy; Engineering; Mathematics and Statistics; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy; Professional and Applied Computing.




JSTOR – we now have access to e-books published between 2013 and 2017 in these collections: Archaeology; Business and Economics; Education; Film Studies; History; Language and Literature; Law; Music; Philosophy; Political Science; Religion; Science and Technology; Sociology.



All of these e-books (over 11,000 of them) can be found in Midcat or in a Summon search.