Weekly Web Updates – February 20, 2017

Our mobile / portal site is now on version 2 of the Kurogo framework, has a different design and some new features like integration with the campus map.

We made several updates to the Course Catalog service. It now supports courses that occur in just part of a term and have customized start/end dates, like PE classes and some off-campus programs. Additionally, we’ve updated the font used to render schedules. Course codes can now include lower-case letters and we’ve added a robots.txt file to the service making it easier for search engines to crawl.

The Appointments+ plugin for WordPress is a significant upgrade from the version we had been running (1.4.4). If you had tried this plugin before and it didn’t meet your needs, the new version may be worth a second look.


Fixes and Tweaks

  • Fixed an issue where a link to a file would break in the Drupal WYSIWYG editor if the child element was also a file. For example, when an embedded image links to a PDF.
  • We’ve updated the Google Calendar content type on our Drupal sites to handle more forms of the remote calendar URL, particularly from gmail.com.
  • The code shown when clicking the HTML button in the WYSIWYG editor on the MIIS Drupal site is now indented.
  • The Commencement Archive has moved to the Special Collections site.

Ongoing Work

  • Creating a new website for the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.
  • Building out the configuration of our Omeka, and CAS servers in Chef, which is a configuration management system. We have already completed this work for our Drupal, WordPress, MediaWiki, GO, and the Course Catalog services.
  • Upgrading the Drupal sites for the Davis programs, Dining Menus, and Museum of Art to Drupal 8.
  • Integrating Panopto (streaming videos) and Canvas (LMS).
  • Providing Course Hub access for Schools Abroad courses.