Weekly Web Updates – July 25, 2016

We’ve added the Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table WordPress plugin, which you can enable to make tables on your WordPress site work on mobile devices. Just enable the plugin and set a maximum width in its settings.


Fixes and Tweaks

  • The Canvas resource type is now in the list of resources that would show up on your Semester Dashboard and you’ll see links to your Canvas course sites there.
  • Drupal image gallery pop-out windows will now work when the gallery is set to not show captions for the images.
  • We clear an additional cache in Drupal when the homepage stories list is updated on the MIddlebury site to ensure that the content in the “waveform” receives the latest updates.
  • We have added print styles to the Middlebury responsive Drupal theme.
  • Added a one hour cache to the MIIS Around the World page to improve site performance.