Middlebury’s Google Apps for Education – Account status

As we continue to integrate Middlebury services with cloud providers like Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365, we are aware of possible account conflicts that may arise. In particular, on Monday, April 25th, we will begin automatically syncing Middlebury Google Apps accounts for all students, faculty and staff with @middlebury.edu or @miis.edu addresses. This may result in conflicts for those who have been using stand-alone Google services with an account that you set up to use your Middlebury address but was not provisioned by ITS in our Middlebury Google Apps instance.

What if I have registered my @middlebury.edu address for stand-alone Google services?

If you have been using stand-alone (i.e. not Middlebury Google Apps) Google services with your @middlebury.edu address, you have what Google considers to be a “conflicting account”.

How can I tell if the account I’m using now is a personal or institutional account? 

Try logging out and logging in again. If you enter your Google account password at Google’s login page, that’s a personal stand-alone account and the above considerations apply. If instead you enter your Middlebury e-mail and password at our new login page, that’s an institutional account and you’re all set. You can also watch this video.

Do I need to do anything now?

Yes. Watch the video above and follow the steps to determine if you have a conflicting Google account. If so, it will be much easier to download your documents prior to the sync. This provides you with an archival copy of all documents for which you are the owner.   After the sync, you will be able to place desired documents into your Middlebury Google Apps account.

To download the documents you own:

  1. Login to the Google account that uses your Middlebury email address.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the icon for your account and click on the “My Account” button.
  3. In the “Personal info & privacy” column, click on “Control your content”.
  4. In the Download your data section click on “CREATE ARCHIVE”.
  5. Under the “Select data to include” section, click the “Select none” button to clear all of the selections.
  6. Click the check box for “Drive” and click “Next” at the bottom of the page.
  7. In the window that appears, leave all options as they appear and click the “Create archive” button. You will see a progress window. When the archive is complete, you will receive an email from Google at your Middlebury email address that indicates the completion of the archive process.
  8. In the email, click on the “Download archive” button.
  9. You will be taken to a Google login screen. Login.
  10. You will see the archive. Click on the “Download” button.
  11. Look in your downloaded files location. You will find a folder named “Takeout” which will contain your files.

After the accounts are synced, any Middlebury-related documents (Docs, Sheets, Slides, or files in Google Drive) that you created with your personal account need to be uploaded to your new Middlebury Google Apps account.

The download process removes all sharing and converts the Google documents to Microsoft format: Docs to Word, Sheets to Excel, and Slides to PowerPoint. If you wish to share these as collaborative documents again, you must first upload (drag and drop) the files to your new Google Drive, then click on them and open them in the Google version of the application. You will then be able to share the document with others.

What if I wait until after the sync occurs?

You will still be able to download your files, though it is a more cumbersome process. ITS can provide assistance if you have not done this prior to the sync.

Can I still access Google’s services for my personal use?

You can choose to maintain a separate account for your personal use of any Google services under a non-middlebury.edu address. If you have multiple Google accounts, the username that appears at the upper right corner of most Google services will help you ensure that you’re using the intended account.

What if I have questions about this?

Please email any questions about this change to helpdesk@middlebury.edu.  Or create an helpdesk ticket.

Defining and avoiding conflicting accounts

Help with your conflicting account:

Moving your personal data between accounts:


One thought on “Middlebury’s Google Apps for Education – Account status

  1. Bob Cole

    Will Monterey users of Midd’s Google Apps for Edu who have registered with the @middlebury.edu alias continue to login with that alias, or will @miis.edu be used?

    We have been driving people to have accounts established by the Help Desk, so most of our users should be set with the correct @middlebury.edu access to Midd’s Google Apps domain.

    Digital Learning Commons, Monterey

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