Weekly Web Updates – May 11, 2015


Next week won’t have updates unless there is a critical issue to address as we’ll be attending DrupalCon. The keynote, by Dries the creator of Drupal, is typically streamed online and may be of interest to those who’d like to know what’s coming in the future for the platform. It will be on Tuesday, May 12 from 12-1:15pm ET.

File Uploads in Drupal

Functionality to support uploading multiple files at once is now enabled on the Middlebury and MIIS Drupal sites. Our documentation on Creating File Uploads has been updated to outline the new workflow. In addition to allowing multiple uploads, this greatly simplifies the upload process, removing several dialogs and making the title of the File Upload the name of the file by default. The process for updating existing File Upload contents has not changed.

New WordPress Plugins and Themes

  • RokoPhoto Lite: RokoPhoto Lite is an elegant WordPress themes for photographers, writers, and bloggers. This design focuses on your content & is perfect for an elegant blog site.
  • Shortcodes in Text Widgets: A plugin that allows shortcodes to work in Text Widgets if not supported already by theme.
  • Table of Contents Plus: A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories.


Tweaks and Fixes

  • Duplicate article titles on the Health Topics A-Z page have been removed. This was done by adding a feature to the Drupal Views module that allows us to concatenate grouped results from the query, which we may be able to use for other features of the site.
  • The robots.txt files for the Drupal sites were updated to allow indexing of CSS, JavaScript, and image files in the core Drupal directories. Google announced last year that they would stop indexing pages that loaded resources from directories blocked in robots.txt and recently put this change in place in their indexing scheme.
  • Drupal Gallery captions now correctly support the UTF-8 character set, including left and right single and double quotes, emdashes, endashes, and ellipses.
  • A side effect of last week’s Drupal Webform update is that radio button and checkbox lists that use the “Other” textfield option had a hidden element that could be marked as required, making it difficult to submit the form. These hidden elements are no longer marked as required on the client side, though they will still be checked after the form is submitted to the server.