Got Guests? Wireless Info to Share with Campus Visitors

If you are asked to help a campus visitor who would like to use our wireless network, don’t panic!  Read on to learn how you can save the day…  as well as help other visitors plan ahead.

A guest is on campus NOW and doesn’t have a Middlebury guest account.  What should they do?

For now, the quickest route for visitors who did not create a Middlebury guest account before arriving on campus (or who created one but forgot their account password) is to connect using our Midd-standard wireless network.  Contact the Technology Helpdesk (802.443.2200) to obtain the password.

I know someone who is planning a campus visit.  How can I make their experience easier?

The smoothest route is to have guests follow these instructions to create a guest account prior to their arrival on campus.  When they arrive on campus, they’ll simply select the MiddleburyCollege wireless network on their device then supply their guest account credentials to connect.

What can guests do LATER ON, when the new GuestAccountCreation wireless network is available?

After the GuestAccountCreation wireless network is available, visitors who did not create a guest account in advance will be able to follow these instructions to create a guest account from on campus.  (Do you have frequent visitors?  Here’s a handy cheat sheet you can share!)

Please note that the GuestAccountCreation wireless network is NOT yet available; we are hoping to proceed with its launch during spring break.  Stay tuned for updates.

Where can I find more information about wireless?

  • Visit our main wireless page (  You’ll find the latest scoop on our project timeline, connection specifics, instructions for guests, and more.
  • To learn the full details concerning our wireless project, refer to this blog post.