For Staff & Faculty: One Stop Shopping for Department & Course Website Assistance

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Need to make changes to your departmental web page?  Could you use a hand with your course website or blog?  Have questions about moving your webforms to our new secure server?  Do wiki formatting woes keep you awake at night?  We have the solution — a peaceful place where you can work on your pages AND get your questions answered.  Sign up for a Website Maintenance Work Session (or two).  Staff from Information Technology Services (ITS) and Academic Technology will be available to answer your questions and help you troubleshoot problems. These are not formal workshops — please bring your work, your questions, and yourself!

Our first session will be offered Tuesday, September 16 at 9:00 am in Davis Family Library, room 105.  Visit go/techworkshops to view the rest of the fall semester schedule.  Please use our convenient online signup form to let us know you what session(s) you plan to attend.