Pending print subscription cancellations

Between September 2012 and June 2014,  Lisa McLaughlin, our über Collections Associate, tallied uses of all of our print journals. That is, Lisa counted magazines dutifully left by readers who followed the directions on our “Please-Do-Not-Reshelve-Your-Magazines” signs in the Current Periodicals section of the Davis Family Library.

191 of the titles we currently subscribe to were reshelved only one time or not at all during that 22-month period.

We are proposing canceling the Libraries’ subscriptions to these 191 print titles, but before we do, we would like to hear from you.

This spreadsheet includes the journals we think we should cancel. If you have used any of these, and reshelved them yourself (so they weren’t counted), or for any reason, you think the Libraries should continue one or more of these subscriptions, please send me an email by the end of August.

*The fine print:

  • We currently have online access to many of these titles through databases such as LexisNexis or ProQuest. Unfortunately, the title lists of these databases can change at any time and we cannot guarantee long-term access.
  • For titles with the comment “no online access post-subscription” (21 titles), this means that if we cancel the print subscription, we lose all access to publisher-hosted online content – the print remains our only access to content that we paid for.
  • Funds currently spent on these little-used or unused print subscriptions can be re-directed to gain access to more relevant library resources.
  • As faculty identify titles that we should continue subscribing to, the spreadsheet will be updated in green with the note “to be retained”.

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