January 20th Banner LEADS Meeting Agenda and Notes

January 20th LEADS Meeting Agenda

1)      Laura Krahn and Charlotte Pratt – Roles and responsibilities
2)      Preferred Names project discussion with Jennifer Herrera
3)      Banner  Upgrades April – May 2014
4)      Java 7u45 – will be deployed via INB starting January 26th
5)      Upcoming Hyperion Patches – require new Hyperion plugin
6)      Hyperion reports being redirected from Production Banner to our Banner Reporting Database
7)      Digital Campus Academy
8)      Purging and archiving webinar
9)      Nolij projects

January 20th LEADS Meeting Notes

1)      Laura Krahn and Charlotte Pratt – Roles and responsibilities

  • New managers discussion – distinction of roles and responsibilities.   Laura Krahn and Charlotte Pratt will serve as co-managers of the Administrative Systems and Web Development Teams.
  • Laura will tasked primarily with project management and customer relations (mostly outside LIS).  Charlotte will work primarily with developers and infrastructure.
  • Discussed need to unify project requests processes for web applications, Banner, Hyperion, Nolij, etc.

2)      Preferred Names project discussion with Jennifer Herrera – Send suggestions and concerns about this project to David Ludwig by February 12th.

Scope of Project

  • Create a self-service process for all students, faculty, staff to select their preferred first name and preferred pronoun.
  • First-name only.  Distinguish between preferred first names, nicknames, legal names.
  • Modify Banner, web, reports to show preferred name when appropriate, legal name otherwise (legal name on paychecks, tax documents, external communications, etc.)
  • Modify class rosters, advising lists to show preferred name and preferred pronoun.


  • Need for an extensive communication and training plan.
  • Identify and define all existing Banner Name Type Codes.
  • Kim Ehritt will compile a description of name types and send to the project team.
  • Kim recommends creating a new name type for preferred names.
  • ADIR code is currently used by HR to create a preferred name.

Public safety

  • What will display on ID?  Preferred name, but might need to be legal name if MiddCard becomes payment card.
  • No modifications to Diamond 2 (will be offline by fall).
  • May need modifications to INB forms to show preferred name/pronoun.


  • How frequently should we allow a preferred name change? How do we monitor for inappropriate names?
    • Poll other colleges/universities about their policies.
    • Jennifer Herrara will follow up.  We will present information at next meeting.
  • HR has an existing process to create/modify preferred names for staff/faculty
    • Preferred names created by process feed into Active Directory (AD).  Concern about how names would show up in AD if process was changed.
    • Project will open up preferred names to students as well.
    • Will try to work with existing processes but project is an institution-wide change.  There are no guarantees existing HR preferred name processes will be reused.
  • Graduate students
    • Undergrads will receive a notification about preferred name self-service forms through the student onboarding process (starting May 2015).
    • Will be available for grad students, but there is no formal onboarding process for grad programs at this time.
    • Montery, BLSE, LS, etc. will need to communicate this ability to students.
    • BLSE uses NICK name type.  LIS will help BLSE transfer nickname data to new name type if project creates one for preferred name.

3)      Banner Upgrades

  • Student/SFS/Advancement will sign-off on upgrades by May 7th.
  • Proposed production deployment on May 11th.
  • LIS will confirm date with our DBA.
  • Refresh Practice Database in February or March (no date set).

4)      Java 7 update 45

  • Ellucian will start pushing Java 7 update 45 starting this Sunday January 26th.
  • E-mail will be going out to all Banner INB and Nolij users.
  • See go/java for updated Java version information.
  • Talked briefly about terminal server as environment for Banner, Nolij, Hyperion use.  This concept is currently in testing.  We’ll expend the testing group in the near future.

5)      Upcoming Hyperion Patches – require new Hyperion plugin

  • David will send e-mail user with instructions on new plug-in install.

6)      Hyperion reports being redirect from the Banner Production Database to the Banner Reporting Database.   This discussion is on hold.  We will revisit in February.

7)      Digital Campus Academy

  • Reminder to all departments to consider requesting funds for a subscription to Ellucian’s Digital Campus Academy.  Last I checked a single seat license was $1500/annually.  This training covers all current baseline modules in production.