Friday Links – January 17, 2014

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine) becomes … STEAM?

Pew Internet & American Life Project reports on escalating use of e-books. “The proportion of Americans who read e-books is growing, but few have completely replaced print books for electronic versions.”

Yale Students made a better version of its Course Catalog. Then Yale shut it down.

The Wikimedia Foundation’s multimedia team seeks community guidance on whether or not to support the MP4 video file format on Wikimedia projects.

MapGive – Open Mapping from the US State Department.

The latest version of Chrome will tell you which browser tabs are playing sound or using your webcam.

Adobe Adds 3D Printing Tools to Photoshop – Before 3D printers crank out objects, a user needs digital model — either one they create or download from the Internet. Once you’ve got one, though, you’ll need software that supports 3D imagery if you want to edit it. As of today, Photoshop users can design, edit and customize those 3D models similar to how you might adjust a 2D picture within the app.

10 things I DON’T miss about old technology – The good old days of 1980s technology weren’t always good. Read about 10 things few (if any) people will miss about that era.

Watch/ Read: Governor Shumlin’s 2014 Governor’s Budget Address – Delivered by Governor Peter Shumlin to the Vermont Legislature on January 15, 2014