Students, faculty, and staff at Middlebury College and Monterey Institute can try out Oxford Language Dictionaries Online through the duration of Language Schools (ending August 16th). Included are:
- Oxford Chinese Dictionary
- Oxford Russian Dictionary
- Oxford German Dictionary
- Oxford Spanish Dictionary
- Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary
- Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary
These are all accessible from this link.
Check these out and let us know what you think! Email at Middlebury or Ann Flower at Monterey.
I could have sworn that when we initially subscribed to Oxford Ref Online, we had access to more foreign language dictionaries (and not just the “pocket” ones they now have). If this is the direction Oxford is going, we might want to consider dropping their basic package if they are going to sell the better reference books separately or as separate collections. Maybe we should see what content is available from CREDO ref and Gale while we are at it and then make a choice from amongst these 3 publishers?
Oxford Reference Online – Premium does have Oxford Business French Dictionary in French-English and English-French and also the Spanish versions. It also includes the following Pocket Oxford Dictionaries: English-Welsh and Welsh-English; English-Irish and Irish-English; English-Italian and Italian-English; English-Latin and Latin-English