PLOS – no more institutional memberships

Middlebury and other colleges in the “Oberlin Group” have been institutional members of the Public Library of Science (PLOS) for many years. First, a bit of background: PLOS was established in 2000 to provide high-quality peer-reviewed open-access (i.e. it doesn’t cost the reader anything – no subscription fees) online journals in the biological sciences. While most journals in the “hard” sciences rely on subscriptions from readers and publication fees from authors, PLOS relies solely on publication fees from authors.

For a modest annual fee, our membership with PLOS has enabled our faculty to publish articles in PLOS journals for a discounted publication fee. Recently, the Oberlin Group was informed that PLOS is discontinuing the institutional member program – and its discounted publication fees. Please note this does NOT mean that PLOS will cease publication of its journals. PLOS Biology (the first PLOS journal), and the other PLOS journals will continue to be published, online, accessible to anyone, anywhere. If you have questions, please email