LIS R&R Crew Awards for April and May

The LIS Recognition & Recreation Crew is pleased to announce the April and May winners of the Employees and Crew of the Month Awards.


Crew of the Month – Interlibrary Loan – Rachel Manning, Kate Schmitt and Sigrid Howlett

Employee of the Month – Janine McDonald, Library Circulation

Student Employee of the Month – Olena Ostasheva


Crew of the Month – This month the Area Directors decided to present this award to the R&R Crew for their work in support of the LIS In-service day in March

Employee of the Month – Danielle Rougeau, Special Collections and Archives

Student Employee of the Month – Kaveh Waddell

Congratulations to all!

The R&R Crew needs award nominations! Nominate LIS students, staff, & crews at go/nominate! Please be sure to include details about why the nominee deserves recognition.