Area 51 notes, Jan. 31, 2013

Present: Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Chris Norris, Terry Simpkins
Absent: Doreen, Carol

We began with discussing next steps for the policy review process and suggested the following plan outline:

  • Create inventory and review policy documents in the handbook for currency, completeness, accuracy, and usefulness.
  • Inventory internal LIS policies, with the possibility of a survey to capture missing policies or to review and revise existing policies.
  • We discussed ownership of “College” policies that reside within the LIS section of the handbook, but aren’t strictly limited to LIS processes (e.g. copyright, data privacy, etc.)  Does LIS “own” policies because of where they are situated within the handbook?
  • We want to focus on policies that are problematic.
  • Mike agreed to draft a plan to send to the directors.

We talked briefly about the APS timeline for LIS staff.  HR confirmed that this year’s deadline is officially Mar. 31, 2013.  SInce this falls on a Sunday, we can submit are documents to HR on Monday Apr. 1, 2013.

LIS internal deadlines will be similar to last year:

  • Self-evaluations and team 360s are due  to managers by Monday, Feb. 18; a notice of the team evaluation process will go out this week;
  • Managers will need to make a recommendations to their director about how their staff members performed by Friday, Mar. 1;
  • LIS Directors will communicate decisions regarding ratings back to managers by Friday, Mar. 8;
  • Performance reviews should be scheduled during the period between March 11 and March 22;
  • Forms should be signed by both staff member and manager and in to Doreen by Monday, Mar. 25;
  • All reviews will be signed and delivered to HR by Monday, Apr. 1.

Chris wants to communicate with Google Apps users regarding the discovery of phishing attempts through a design flaw in Google Apps.  Specifically, if you are signed in already but click on a malicious link, the browser displays the URL such that the form appears to be hosted within our Middlebury google apps instance even if it is not.  Mike mentioned that, even generally, a URL showing the Middlebury domain is not an absolute guarantee of legitimacy, since students can create pages and forms as well.  Chris also suggested we restart the discussion about our intentions for Google Apps.

We discussed a new security issue involving phone calls from people falsley claiming to be “Middlebury Support Services”. Public Safety and the Helpdesk have been informed.

Thanks for reading,