Middfiles is now available for use

We are pleased to announce the new middfiles structure is now up and available for use!
Please note the following changes:

You can now access middfiles at:

-for Windows/PC users – PLEASE RESTART/REBOOT your computer first – then you should not have to make any changes, but the new path is \\middlebury.edu\middfiles

-For Apple/Mac users – you will have to use the new server names & paths listed below.

afp://myhome.middlebury.edu (for home directories- your personal folders)

afp://orgs.middlebury.edu (for ORGS – your department folders)

afp://classes.middlebury.edu (for classfolders and curricular resources)

afp://shed.middlebury.edu (for software, studentorgs, committees, specialprojects, and others not mentioned above)

For more information on file servers and connections contact the helpdesk. helpdesk@middlebury.edu