Area Director Meeting Notes from March 29, April 5th and April 12th

Area Director’s Meeting April 12, 2012

Present:  Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Chris Norris, Mary Backus and Doreen Bernier

The Optional All-LIS Meeting on April 19th will be titled “Customer care and feedback: techniques and tips discussed”, given  by Jess Isler.  It will be held in LIB145 at 3:00.

Last week’s team assessment sessions with Fred Schmitt were discussed.  Teams need clarity and agreement on the following issues:

  •     Clarify team charges and scope
  •     Communication schedule
  •     Prioritization of goals
  •     Resources, staffing and budget
  •     Clarify roles
  •     Team membership, or if we even still need a team

 The Security Team needs a new charge.

Future team assessment will be done on a team by team basis, with open discussion by team sponsor.  Sheila Andrus might be asked to facilitate future meetings.

The rest of the meeting time was devoted to discussing  the results of last week’s team assessment of the AD team and how to use those results to improve the team, moving forward.


AD meeting Notes from April 5, 2012

Present:  Mike Roy, Shel Sax, Mary Backus, Terry Simpkins and Doreen Bernier

Mary presented to the ADs, a recommendation from Education and Training Team to modify language regarding technology skills for every job description in LIS. The recommended language to be included is as follows:

“Demonstrate proficiency in general computing skills, such as e-mail, word processing, and use of web-based applications and resources.

Ability to operate in a networked computer environment, including the appropriate use of file storage, understanding security best practices, and a willingness and ability to develop new competencies”.

The ADs have approved this language change.  This topic will be brought to the managers for discussion.

The AD Retreat has been cancelled for this month.

Upcoming agenda items:

  • Digital scholarship-presentation.conversation with Rebekah Irwin
  • Update on MIIS infrastructure project
  • Web Team discussion on needs analysis and usability testing activities and a communication/awareness plan to share results and presentation materials to LIS

AD Minutes from March 29, 2012
Present:  Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Carol Peddie, Chris Norris and Doreen Bernier

Management Training – the next steps.  The ADs talked about how to proceed now that the management training sessions are completed.  How do we apply what was learned to LIS?  This topic will be brought to the Workgroup Leaders at the next Manager’s meeting for discussion.

In January Mike prepared and published  the first LIS Quarterly Report which included highlights of projects over a three month period.  This week Mike distributed his second installment report covering January-March to the ADs for their review.  The report contents were discussed and edits were made to this very comprehensive document.

Reminder to Managers to prepare the Annual Report write-up for their workgroups.  The write-up should be one-page in length and submitted to Doreen Bernier by June 30th.  The deadline for statistics is July 10th.

LIS Blog – How do we communicate newsworthy topics to the community?   This topic will also be brought to the managers to discuss.