Friday links – March 2, 2012

National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) and the Council for Library and Information Resources (CLIR) have created Anvil Academic, a digital publisher for the humanities. Anvil aims to make it easier for digital humanists to publish nontraditional scholarly work under the auspices of traditional outlets, such as university presses.

“Patron-driven Acquisitions” – also known as The Bookstore in the Library. ” The fact that the PDA bookstore is anchored in the [college] community is essential to its conception and operation. It is the nature of the community that … determines what books can be purchased through the library.” (This piece goes a few steps beyond that.)

New speech-jamming gun – At its most basic, this gun could be used in libraries and other quiet spaces to stop people from speaking.

Tax-unfriendly states for retirees, 2011  – Vermont is #1, according to Kiplinger.

One thought on “Friday links – March 2, 2012

  1. Brenda

    Alas Kiplinger’s makes no mention of income-sensitive property taxes, no sales tax on food (not prepared) and clothing (unlike many other states), capital gains income, or the extra expenses a cold climate creates for state and local government.

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