Sophos deployment continues

Last week we began the campus rollout of Sophos Anti-virus; which is replacing the Symantec package we have been using for the past several years. Last week we deployed Sophos to systems which are currently running Windows 7.  This week we will be deploying Sophos to Staff systems have yet to be upgraded. This will be delivered across our network using the same mechanism that manages our Windows workstations. To facilitate this deployment we need to ask that all Windows systems be turned off on Friday nights and powered back up on Monday mornings for the next several weekends. The install packages will be pushed across the network according to the following schedule:

  • February 19th: Windows7 systems
  • February 26th: Remaining  Staff workstations
  • March 4th: Remaining Faculty workstations and computers that have not been addressed in prior groups.

If you should need your system over the weekend and you are off campus there will be no impact to this update. It will resume on Monday as scheduled. If you need your computer and are connected to the campus network (other than through the VPN) you will receive the update when you power your computer on.

For information on Sophos please see the FAQ at http://go/sophos. This will answer many questions you may have and should address any issues you may encounter. Prior to the date your system is scheduled for the Sophos install please do the following:

  • Complete any software installs you may have pending, including any Windows Updates.
  • Disable any additional firewalls you may have added beyond the Windows Firewall. Please note, this is not referring to Anti-virus such as Symantec but rather products such as SonicWall.
  • Shut down your system the Friday before the install so that receives the scheduled install when it powers up on Monday morning.
  • Shut down your system on Monday night (after the scheduled install has occurred).

For additional information please see http://go/sophos

2 thoughts on “Sophos deployment continues

    1. Jess Isler

      Good question, Jeff. Thanks for asking. I checked in with Ian Burke about this. The short answer for Mac users is “stay tuned”! Ian says LIS is focusing on Windows updates right now, and more information on antivirus software for Mac users is forthcoming. No need to take any action at this time. Thanks for your patience!

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