Mgr’s meeting, Nov. 10, 2011

Present: Mary B, Pij S, Mike R, Peggy F, Rachel M, Rebekah I, David L, Carrie M, Chris N, Shel S, Joe D, Jim S, Joe A, Terry S, Dan F, Joseph W, Carol P

Mike Roy and Tim Spears will be attending workgroup meetings to discuss the themes from the survey results and to better understand the nature of the problems expressed in the survey.  He hoped this will not be perceived as a “checking in” but rather as a chance to reinforce relationships between staff and managers.  Mike agreed to send agendas around for these meetings in advance, and to summarize the results for staff.

Mike asked for comments/reactions to the all-staff meeting.  Themes from the ensuing discussion:

  • concerns that anonymous comments may contribute to worsening trust
  • the potential utility of 360 evaluations
  • communication issues appear to center more around staff input into decision-making than announcements of decisions to staff

We continued our discussion of the purpose of these managers’ meetings.  Mike mentioned some “early results” from a brief survey he sent to meeting participants.  The following discussion included comments on:

  • lack of continuity (and follow-through, in some cases) from meeting to meeting
  • lack of meeting notes (hopefully now beginning to be rectified…)
  • need to provide agendas in advance
  • participants (managers only?  managers and team leaders?)
  • purpose

Regarding the latter, there appeared to be general agreement with 3 primary justifications for the group’s continued existence:

  • To ensure consistency of policies across LIS
  • To serve as a opportunity for “reality checks” between senior leadership and workgroup managers/team leaders
  • To facilitate communication among workgroups/workgroup managers

Finally, we agreed on the following:

  • continue our monthly meetings
  • continue to clarify the group’s purpose
  • Mike will build agendas in advance and publicize
  • Terry will post meeting notes in a timely fashion
  • All group members will contribute important agenda items as necessary

Thanks for reading

One thought on “Mgr’s meeting, Nov. 10, 2011

  1. Barbara Merz

    Thank you for posting this. As well as informing us all, posting will probably help with defining the purpose of the meetings, since it’s laid out for all to see!

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