Friday links – November 18, 2011

E-book lending in public libraries – story in USA Today

“Ban” physical books on college campuses?  “… But I suggest that it’s time to go much further: to actually ban nonelectronic books on campus. …  It could involve a pledge similar to the one that language students and instructors at Middlebury Language Schools take to speak only the foreign languages in which they are immersed during the study program. …”

Some error messages to amuse you, such as “Error: Report failed. Can not obtain error message” or ” An Un-named File Contains an Invalid Path.”

Unfrozen Caveman CIO at Google Atmosphere: “So ‘Cloud’ is Gmail, Right?”
“What’s not often recognized is that Microsoft Office is also a communications network that runs on top of the Internet at the app layer, and specifically it runs on top of the email layer.”

The internet can be touched – the internet IS physical.  Also, note a link below the video points out that “the weight of a full Kindle exceeds that of an empty Kindle.”

3 thoughts on “Friday links – November 18, 2011

  1. Arabella Holzapfel Post author

    I went back and forth about whether to post it here at all since it is so … ludicrous. I decided to post on the basis that a)it is from the Chronicle, and b) the author used Middlebury’s language pledge as an analogy. While that’s kind of unfortunate here, it does demonstrate the extent of the reputation of the Language Schools.

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