Area 51 notes, Sept. 22, 2011

Present:  Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Danna Gianforte, Shel Sax, Chris Norris, Mary Backus, Doreen Bernier
Absent: Terry Simpkins

We discussed the creation of faculty webpages.  With the decommissioning of Segue, faculty should be directed to use WordPress to create their sites.  If WordPress isn’t suitable for their purposes, they should be directed to their department liaisons for other recommendations.  The Wiki pages will be changed to reflect this decision and the liaisons will be notified.  We also talked about migrating sites from Segue and The Web Applications group will develop a migration plan for The migration from Segue was included in the Curricular Technology Teams charge.

Next Friday is the deadline to submit facilities space/maintenance requests for the next year.

After some discussion we agreed to postpone the evaluation of Google Apps/MSLive project until spring.  We need a project manager for this, and plan to present a recommendation to President’s Staff in April or May.

Mike is anxious to see the Project Directory move to Roadmap completed.  Chris will make some changes to make Roadmap fields more consistent with the old project directory, thereby simplifying the process.  Chris will also offer additional work sessions for managers in the near future.

This past week the ADs held a retreat to discuss the LIS staffing plan.  Discussion will be continued next week and will be brought to the SRC when complete.

Continued discussion on the draft Service Level Agreements continued this afternoon.  After some revision, the ADs have endorsed this document.  It will be presented to President’s Staff at a future meeting.

Thanks for reading,