Liaison Discussion Section: Finding Music at Davis Family Library

Topic: Finding Music at Davis Family Library
When: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 4 – 5 pm
Where: Davis Family Library 105
Who’s Invited: All liaisons and Circulation Desk staff, and anyone who might be interested

Now that the Music Library has moved to the Davis Family Library, more of us need to know how to find music! Joy Pile will teach us the basics so that we can help researchers find our CDs, scores, and other music materials in their new locations. She’ll also show us a few reference resources, our music streaming databases and the most comprehensive digital score site.

“Liaison Discussion Section” is a revival of librarians’ “Reference Training and Review” sessions. These meetings will address topics of interest to liaisons: research and/or technology. They can be conversations, or presentations, or both. They will take place most often on the 3rd week of the month, but in order to allow people who work different hours to attend, they’ll occasionally be scheduled for different days/times.