Present: Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Mary Backus, Danna Gianforte, Shel Sax and Doreen Bernier
- The ADs discussed how to handle guidelines and tools for updating and the conversion of archived digital data. Do faculty who store files on our servers, have an expectation that we will retain methods for converting the files into usable formats? Mary will discuss with Terry, Andy and Bryan.
- August 1 is the deadline to complete this year’s annual report. We discussed how to handle compiling materials for next year. ADs will ask workgroup leaders to provide descriptions, appraisals and projections. Topics discussed should be tied to strategic planning.
- Currently, only ADs have access to Roadmap. The next step is opening it up to managers. We need to formulate a timeline for switching over from our Project Directory to Roadmap. Chris will need to provide training to managers, possibly at the next manager’s meeting.
- The ADs had a lengthy discussion about strategic planning. We need to assess what we do well and what we don’t. We would like to generate an internal document that focuses on strategies and helps us make decisions about allocating resources. This document could discuss managing information, infrastructure devices, facilities, software, administrative efficiency, teaching/learning/research/co-curricular, organization effectiveness and staff development.
- Area goals are due by the end of August.
Thanks for reading!