Search Everything!

New! Whether you want books, or newspaper articles, or images, you now can start in just one place. Summon is our newest and most effective tool for searching many resources at once, so we’ve put it right at the center of the library home page (look for the “Summon” tab in the “Library Quick Search” box). Summon searches just about everything we own. Try it out!

Library Quick Search

In a few cases, you’ll still need MIDCAT and other research databases. The “Catalogs” tab takes you to MIDCAT, NExpress and WorldCat (and it now has a link to ILLiad for interlibrary loan, too!). We’ve also added a “Databases A-Z” tab to make it easier to get directly to resources like JSTOR and PsycINFO. But remember, Summon searches almost everything so it’ll usually be the best place to start.

Read more about Summon here. You’ll find more help documents in Summon, and we’ll be creating a tutorial for it soon. Please send us feedback here, or look for the “Feedback” link in the Summon interface. If feedback is about a particular search result, use the “report an error” link in the “Get it @ Midd” results window.