Weekly Web Development Round-up May 22-27, 2011

To give our colleagues a better idea of what’s changed in our web applications each week, we’ll be preparing this quick list for publication each Friday. Not all of the details of each change are included below, but we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have in the comments.


  • The “Edit”, “Delete” and “Revisions” links now include the title of the content you’ll be performing those actions on. For example, if you have a node titled “Drupal Help” the link to edit that node is now Edit “Drupal Help”. These links appear below the content as they always have.
  • The “Edit” links for sidebars, site banners, carousels, and juice bars now include the title of the page. For example, if your sidebar is titled “Right Sidebar” the link to edit that content will be Edit “Right Sidebar”. These links appear above the content as they always have.
  • Remember: if you want to hide these links while you work on content, try out the New Edit Console which lets you decide to hide links in specific regions of the page.
  • The MIIS site now also has a Carousel region, using the same styles as the Middlebury website.
  • The “Revision Log” window is now collapsed by default on the editing form.
  • If you’re the manager of a permissions group, there is now a link to “Edit this group” above the members of the group on any permissions form. This link takes you to the AD group manager interface.
  • Several issues with image and file uploads have been resolved. If you were having trouble overwriting file revisions or uploading new files with the same name as other files, we believe that you’ll now be able to do those things without a problem.
  • We’ve upgraded Drupal from 6.20 to 6.22 which includes all the changes in 6.21 as well. We’ve also updated our Monster Menus module to match the version Amherst currently has in production.