Area 51 notes, Jan. 13, 2011

Present:  Mike Roy, Dana Gianforte, Carol Peddie, Shel Sax, Terry Simpkins, Mary Backus, Mike Lynch and Doreen Bernier

We reviewed the change management document for DFS – ExtremeZ-IP and DFS-Windows upgradeThis upgrade is primarily to improve the performance and compatibility for Mac clients.  We need to budget money for software and testing needs.  The appropriate workgroups are also preparing campus communication plans.  We also anticipate an all-LIS communication asking prepare staff with alternate plans if this upgrade does not as planned.  Terry will talk to the liaisons group/Carrie M. in advance so that, once the email from the Helpdesk has been sent, they can contact faculty to reinforce the importance of this upgrade and follow up as necessary with any faculty who need assistance mapping drives, etc.

We discussed the strategic planning website, and agreed to post missing documents and make other changes necessitated by the last re-organization.  We will review this material during monthly Team/Goal meetings to make sure the material up to date. The “Results” page will be parked for the time being.

We followed up on the project management and prioritization discussion which we began at last AD retreat.  We reviewed the Project Cabal suggestions again, and agreed to adopt Project Tracker as our primary project management tool (for large projects; smaller projects can use other tools, as appropriate).

We also agreed we need to:

  • check in late spring on list of goals around projects/project management
  • analyze our agendas to see if we have the right balance between project and process discussions
  • offer a project management workshop for LIS project managers and team leaders (possibly using Porter Knight), with an LIS project to use as a test case.
  • submit any outstanding budget figures/requests to Carol ASAP
  • link projects to our goals and strategic plan
  • make improvements to project directory views
  • undertake regular reviews of projects at a monthly mtg
  • shift some of the checking in on project statuses to one-on-one meetings between the ADs and Mike R

We agreed to create an LIS recognition team.  Danna & Carol will lead.  We will solicit volunteers, with the aim of having equal representation from all areas.

Topics for the upcoming all staff meeting
Team updates
Recognition team

Topic for the upcoming joint managers/AD retreat – internal and external communications.

Thanks for reading
Terry & Doreen